Preparation will make the detox that much easier—and it will help you maximize your results! To make the most of Level II, we encourage you to use the week before your cleanse to:
- Eat (extra) clean. Stick to whole foods and cut out packaged foods, processed sweets, and junk. Be diligent about eating 4-6 cups of leafy greens each day, too. Your body will thank you!
- Hydrate! Drink lots of water (aim for 3 liters a day) to start flushing out toxins.
- Cut back on coffee. Going cold turkey on Day 1 of your cleanse may result in pretty intense detox symptoms, so we recommend switching to a gentler caffeine source (like green tea) now.
- Cut back on sugar (including alcohol). By cutting back on sugar now, you’ll temper the sugar detox effects during Level II and will likely experience fewer cravings throughout the day. This is particularly important in the days immediately before your cleanse week. Try to go alcohol-free, too, and get ready for less bloat and glowy skin as a result.
- Adjust your social calendar. Remember that this week is about you. You’ll get the most out of Level II if you stick to it as designed. To minimize temptations and help you focus on self-care, we suggest reserving cleanse week for yourself and keeping your evenings as free as possible.
We also encourage you to spend a little time thinking about your intentions for the detox. You’re not just cleansing from potentially irritating foods, but also from toxic thought patterns. Think about what you want out of this experience and keep track of how you feel in the days/weeks leading up to the cleanse. You can reflect on your progress at the end!